Monday 29 September 2014


Introduction.........looking at the Premier League season so far. After this there will be articles on key Premier League issues throughout the coming season.
So here goes.........
The English Premier League season so far has been crap.
Whats happened?............sod all.
The season so far has been so bad that fans are talking about Gary Linekers ridiculous goatee beard he has on Match of The Day more than the Premier League season so far.
So what has happened so far this season? Un-amazingly Chelski have continued to buy their way to the top, and only Manchester City are attempting to make this season even slightly interesting. May as well give Chelsea the Premier Trophy now.
Mourinho knows his ego could not handle it if Chelsea did not win the Premier League this season. So he,and Chelea will bore us to death with not much more than "park the bus" performances from Chelsea. Sad really isnt it?
Any other contenders for the Premier title? -Dont make me laugh.
Manchester City are the nearest contenders. But there is still the odd poor performance and/or result just round the corner for "Cit-eh". Pellegrini still tinkers with his team and, like Chelsea will buy,buy,buy to help their ambitions. Sorry "Cit-eh" - you wont win the title this year, and as for the champions League there is more chance of me marrying Beyonce.
Arsenal are their usual Arsene Venger self. ie run about a lot, go through the motions in the Champions league then will get knocked out, and as for the Premier League, Arsenal have more chance of winning the Eurovision Song Contest. Arsenal performances huff and puff and their fans see "flashes of brilliance" from the likes of some of the most overrated players in the history of football. Cazorla, Oxlade-Chamberlain,Welbeck etc. 
Wilshere? - he is so "only slightly above average" its unbelievable. When was the last time he played an awesome 90 minutes? Turned games?How many games per season do you see him performing to high standards? Ok the odd performace -but hardly world class. Would he get near Barcelona? or Bayern Munich? -only if he is working on a hot dog stall. The most interesting aspect of "Wilshire" is that me and my friends have a new game to play in the pub whilst watching Arsenal play. Its called "Guess how many times Wilshere will fall over in this game?" - who ever gets furthest away from the total buys the beers. Does Wilshere have studs on his boots? - it certainly dont look like it. 
My question is when will Arsenal fans realise that Venger will never again win you the Premier League?
As for Liverpool .......oh dear, dear -so near and yet so far last season. In a nutshell, Liverpool,this season  have gone downhill, panicked and bought badly. So many changes, and questions not answered. Liverpool have messed up -just because Suarez got on his bike and went to bite people in Spain - perhaps they taste better? Did Liverpool not see the simple answer to replacing Suarez? -Which buy a replacement similar, or better in quality. What did Liverpool do? - buy quantity -all very "promising" but that just dont do it in the Prem these days chaps. Take a look at Manchester City and Chelsea. They are light years ahead of Liverpool now, and would not have gone near the likes of Lallana, Lambert and Balotelli, 
Balotelli? - I could not stop laughing when Liverpool signed him. He has this reputation...........for what? A vastly overrated player who will be average at best. Liverpool needed a top quality player to replace Suarez - Falcao, Cavani, Costa were all possibles but Liverpool go on Ebay and find a special offer with Balotelli. Liverpool feel they belong at the top table of English,a and also European football, and yet their signings are average. Its simple - if Liverpool put the entire team up for sale how many would attract Chelsea? Manchester City? Real Madrid? Barcelona? Bayern Munich? - probably Sturridge and Stirling - after that most would end up at the likes of Spurs . Sorry Liverpool fans - buy a video of last season as it will be the last time you challenge for the title for many,many moons.
Manchester United do make me laugh. the dynasty left by Ferguson has been found out. In other words, there wasnt one. Moyes was left a poor squad and then spent his pocket money of Fellaini and Mata - oops Mr. Moyes that is the thing sackings are made of. In steps the dutch master Van Gaal -takes a look at he squad and "says "are you serious about winning the Premier league with that lot?" and then goes shopping for players who dont give a toss about Champions League football they just happy to play footy for big dosh at the "theatre of wet dreams". and as for many pointless cross field 40 yard passes does he have to make to justify his ridiculously high wages? and then the bit which makes my sides ache with laughter......Van Gaal makes Rooney captain. Oh please stop! - I cant take this hilarity any more..........Rooney could not captain a primary school netball team. What an excellent example he sets. Especially on Saturday against West Ham - getting sent off like he did. Pathetic, and he had the balls to clap the fans as he walks off. Captain Rooney now misses 3 games including the game against Chelsea. Well played Wayney Boy, and an excellent appointment Van Gaal.
The rest of the Premier League has been worthless. About as interesting as watching my grandma take her teeth out. Maybe somebody should make a video of the highlights of games with West Brom, Stoke City, Sunderland, Crystal Palace, Burnley, Newcastle United, QPR, Leicester City,Aston Villa and Hull. What a great video that would be........the sort of video you buy as a Christmas present for someone you dont like. By the way that lot is half the teams in the Premier League - just shows you how bad this season is.

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