Sunday 16 November 2014

Liverpool strikers firing blanks

Take a look at this image........................(Liverpool fans may wish to look away now)

Yes the truth hurts Liverpool fans.............................and hard to believe.
Not one Premier League goal from  Lambert, Borini or Balotelli so far this season.
Before Liverpool fans think I am having a go at them. I am not. I was hoping for a great Premier League season. One with more teams involved. No chance. Its Chelsea or Manchester City.
Is it fair to criticize these Liverpool strikers for their poor goalscoring return? or Liverpools poor start to the season? 
People will look at the loss of Suarez, but its not as simple as that.
Brendan Rodgers has bought badly, and not replaced Suarez with anywhere near the quality that is needed to make a serious challenge to Chelsea or  Manchester City this season.
Too many changes Brendan. You dont know your best team, and the service to the strikers is poor. Added to that is that Liverpool back 5 (4 + keeper) is just not good enough.
Liverpool will struggle to make top 4 this season unless they make major signings in January.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Get the refs?

Fans of all clubs get sick and tired of managers blaming referees for defeats. Every week there is another manager moaning on and on about referees decisions. Isn't it amazing that managers only moan when they lose?Ofcourse it cannot be the mangers fault? or their teams? or tactics? or simply beaten by a better team? No chance, it was the referee.
When will supporters stop accepting this nonsense? Ofcourse bad decisions are made. But when did you ever see a manger come out and say " we won -but the referee gave us great decisions -they should have had 2 penalties, and two of ours should have been sent off."

 The real solution to this problem can never appear. In other words, no game will ever be refereed to the satisfaction of all concerned. Added to that is referees do, and will make mistakes.
The nearest solution is one that I cannot believe has not been adopted by The Premier League. It is this...............
Get the best referees in the WORLD to the English Premier League.Why not?
The EPL game is world wide now with international players in every team in the Premier League. Referees are the 'key' aspect of any game. One decision by a ref can determine trophies, or relegation, or a manager getting the sack. So us fans must demand we have the best referees in the world.
Money? yes its at the root of all football issues these days. but how can Wayne Rooney demand 300,000 pounds a week, and yet a ref is paid much, much less than any Premier Player? 
We now have huge sky tv money, sponsorship and transfer dealings  and so the solution must be pay the worlds top referees well, and they will come. If Rooney is on 300,000 pounds a week why is it acceptable to pay a ref a fraction of that?
I would suggest a referees pay to be in the region of 400,000 pounds per year, with three year contracts that will appeal to top referees from all over the world. 
I believe there are around 20 referees on the Premier League list. So less than  10 million pounds per year for the Premier League for the worlds top referees. That is small money in the world of Premier Football. A ridiculously low price to pay for better quality refereeing. There is also the strong possibility of sponsorship for such high profile referees joining the premier League.
There are so many good reasons to attract top world referees to the EPL, and with this action the standard of refs will improve overnight. 
Head hunt them Premier League -get them here now!
Premier League - wake up and get the best - we deserve it and need it in the Barclays Premier League, and hopefully it will improve the game, and also stop Premier League managers moaning about the standard of referees.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Grow up Warnock

What is it with Neil Warnock? Always moaning as if the world has it in for him ,and Crystal Palace. Is there a more ungracious manager in the Barclays Premier League? Ok he is not the only one but Warnock has been at this stuff for years. It is classic deflection from the fact that he picked the wrong team and tactics.
Its so predictable..............Palace lose, and yet he comes on to the media and off he goes..Moan, moan, moan. Any excuses will do for Warnock,and ofcourse the refs get it in the neck. Easy target mate.
Why do the media let him get away with this garbage? When will a media man actually ask the real questions? For example, in the game against Sunderland how many saves did the Sunderland keeper have to make? or "Why did you leave two of your best strikers on the bench for so long?" or "Do your teams ever offer much more than huff and puff, bit of pace -and sunday league standard goals?" or maybe suggest making a video " Neil Warnocks teams great goals?" or the basic question  'Did you notice Sunderland scored 3 goals?" or "Did you notice your captain was sent off?" or "the only goal you scored was by a Sunderland player - how did your strikers do today?" or my favourite would be "is it the refs fault that you have 1 point out of the last 4 games?" or maybe "you moan about not getting a penalty - do you think any of your teams have ever had a decision like that?"
Warnock is often considered a disliked manager in football by most fans. I think I know why.
Grow up Warnock.